Anything posted here is a sermon I’ve preached.
If You Claim the Name. Delivered on the Sunday after January 6, 2021. Christians, there’s enough nonsense in the national debate without our adding to the sewage.
Sermon series on Romans, delivered Pentecost 2009.
Sermon on Romans 7: “O Wretched Man”
“Now What?” The American church has emphasized conversion, and rightfully so. I’ve noticed we’re really weak on the results of conversion.
Galatians: Standing Strong. Our generation will determine the fate of our nation. The Church must condemn racism and begin living the gospel if we want to save our society.
Welcome to Grace I’ve noticed that few Evangelicals really understand grace. This sermon, I hope, helps us to receive it — and, just as importantly, practice it.
Go, Bless If change scares you, don’t hit the road to the promised land. “Cowards never cross into Canaan.”