2012 Sermons:
New Hope Baptist Church,
Romulus, AL
2012 Sermons:
New Hope Baptist Church,
Romulus, AL
These sermons are delivered at New Hope Baptist Church in Romulus, Alabama (unless otherwise noted). I've placed these sermons here for my non-resident members (or anyone else interested in some sermons). Unless otherwise noted, all scriptures are from the English Standard Version, copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. These sermons are not for profit; I'm not selling them, and you can't either. If they help you, please let me know. Feel free to share them if you think they're worth it. You should know that I rarely preach exactly from manuscript; things come to me as I go. (Most ministers will empathize.)
For most of the Church year, I follow the Revised Common Lectionary. You can read why I follow the Lectionary here.
Other Sermons and Studies:
Sermons prior to Holy Week 2008
Daniel: God’s Divine Ambassador.
St. Paul: God’s Chosen Apostle.
Esther: God's Redeemer of Israel.
Reformation: From Rome's Fall to Luther's Stand a presentation for Reformation Day 2007.
Moses: Obedience and Redemption Our current Wednesday night Bible study lecture notes.
The Apostles' Creed Delivered during Epiphany 2008. The Apostles' Creed states the basics of our faith.
Our Daily Bread. Scripture reading: Psalm 78:1-25. Sermon text: Luke 22:14-30. This is the sermon for Maundy Thursday 2006.
Thy Kingdom Come. Scripture reading: Joel 2:1-17. Sermon text: Matthew 6:5-13. This is my second sermon on the Lord's Prayer, preached Ash Wednesday 2007.
Reaching Higher. Scripture reading: Jeremiah 1:1-10. Sermon text: 1 Corinthians 14:1-20. Given events in the SBC, the topic of glossalalia needed addressing.
My Redeemer Lives. Sermon text: Job 19:25. This is an ordination sermon.
Psalm 51: Relationship Restored I preached this sermon in Preaching class on Friday after Ash Wednesday.
Too Blessed to Worry Preached at the Community Thanksgiving Service in Romulus, 2003.
Summation of the Trinity In 2003, I preached a series on the Trinity. This was the last sermon of the series.
The Cross Holds a King This is a poem, not a sermon.
The Choice of Eternity. Scripture reading: Amos 6:1-7. Sermon text: Luke 16:19-31. Note: this will be a very uncomfortable sermon for most readers, but it's time someone made the choice of life plain to everyone.
2004 Sermons (Year C Readings)
2005 Sermons (Year A Readings)
2006 Sermons (Year B Readings)
2007 Sermons (Year C Readings)
2008 Sermons (Year A Readings)
1 January: Rev. Chip Freeman will preach to the congregation.
8 January (First Sunday of Epiphany, Epiphany readings): Our Ruler, Our Shepherd. Scripture reading: Isaiah 60:1-6. Sermon text: Matthew 2:1-12.
15 January a.m.: Speak, LORD. Scripture reading: Psalm 139:1-5. Sermon text: 1 Samuel 3.
p.m.: Members of Christ. Sermon text: 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.
22 January a.m.: Our Rock, Our Refuge. Scripture reading: Mark 1:14-20. Sermon text: Psalm 62.
p.m.: Jonah. Sermon text: Jonah 3.
29 January: Jesus, Our Fulfillment. Scripture reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-20. Sermon text: Mark 1:21-28.
5 February a.m.: Dispelling the Weariness. Scripture reading: 1 Corinthians 9:16-23. Sermon text: Isaiah 40:21-31.
p.m.: Praise the LORD! Sermon text: Psalm 147.
12 February a.m.: Be Clean. Scripture reading: 2 Kings 5:1-14. Sermon text: Mark 1:40-45.
19 February, Sunday of the Transfiguration: Jesus, the LORD. Scripture reading: Psalm 50:1-6. Sermon text: Mark 9:2-9.
26 February, First Sunday of Lent: For All Time. Scripture reading: Genesis 9:8-17. Sermon text: 1 Peter 3:18-22.
p.m.: In Whom We Trust. Sermon text: Psalm 25:1-9.
4 March a.m.: A New Name. Scripture reading: Romans 4:13-25. Sermon text: Genesis 17:1-7.
p.m.: Denial. Sermon text: Mark 8:31-38.
11 March: New Hope will host a Gideon from the Northport Gideons camp.
18 March a.m.: Look, and Live. Scripture reading: Psalm 107:1-8. Sermon text: Numbers 21:4-9.
p.m.: Grace Unmeasured. Sermon text: Ephesians 2:1-10.
25 March a.m.: God, Have Mercy. Scripture reading: Hebrews 5:5-10. Sermon text: Psalm 51.
p.m.: Delight in the Words. Sermon text: Psalm 119:9-16.
Holy Week
1 April, Palm Sunday: Hosanna! Scripture reading: Zechariah 9:9-17. Sermon text: Mark 11:1-11. New Hope will celebrate Holy Communion in the a.m. service.
p.m.: Shine Upon Us. Sermon text: Psalm 31:9-16.
5 April, Maundy Thursday: New Hope will join Romulus Methodist Church for Maundy Thursday service.
6 April, Good Friday: New Hope will join Romulus Methodist Church for Good Friday service.
Easter Season
8 April, Easter Sunday: The New Hope choir will present the musical, “Come to the Cross.” Sermon: The Gospel We Preach. Sermon text: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11. New Hope will celebrate Easter Communion in this service.
15 April a.m.: Walk in Light. Scripture reading: John 20:19-31. Sermon text: 1 John 1:1-2:2.
p.m.: New Hope will hold our monthly business meeting following our prayer service.
22 April a.m.: New Hope Youth will deliver their No Compromise report to the congregation. Scripture reading: Acts 3:12-19.
p.m.: New Hope will join with congregations from our area at the 4R Arena at 6:30 p.m. We will pray for the upcoming Horse Whisperer event on 11 May.
29 April: Only One Name. Scripture reading: 1 John 3:16-24. Sermon text: Acts 1:1-12.
29 April, 3 p.m.: New Hope will join with congregations from the Tuscaloosa Baptist Association at Circlewood Baptist Church to call a new Director of Missions.
6 May a.m.: New Hope Youth will celebrate Youth Sunday.
p.m.: Perfect Love. Sermon text: 1 John 4:7-21.
13 May: Conquering the World. Scripture reading: Psalm 98. Sermon text: 1 John 5:1-6.
20 May a.m.: A Greater Testimony. Scripture reading: John 17:6-19. Sermon text: 1 John 5:9-13.
Pentecost Season
27 May, Pentecost Sunday: Call on His Name. Scripture reading: Romans 8:22-27. Sermon text: Acts 2:1-21.
10 June (Homecoming): With My Whole Heart. Scripture reading: Psalm 130. Sermon text: Psalm 138.
17 June: Looking on the Heart. Scripture reading: Ezekiel 17:22-24. Sermon text: 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13.
24 June a.m.: “The Bigger They Are....” Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 17:1-11. Sermon text: 1 Samuel 17:32-52.
1 July: No sermon. The Rev. Billy Gray will minister to the congregation during my vacation.
8 July: Great is the LORD. Scripture reading: Mark 6:1-13. Sermon text: Psalm 48.
15 July a.m.: Glorious Grace. Scripture reading: Ephesians 1:1-14. Sermon text: Ephesians 1:15-23.
p.m.: Lift Your Heads, O Gates. Sermon text: Psalm 24.
22 July a.m.: Bountiful Mercy. Scripture reading: Ephesians 2:1-10. Sermon text: Ephesians 2:11-22.
p.m.: “Take Heart.” Sermon text: Mark 6:30-56.
29 July a.m.: The Mystery Revealed. Scripture reading: Ephesians 3:1-13. Sermon text: Ephesians 3:14-21.
p.m.: Let Zion Rejoice. Sermon text: Psalm 14.
5 August a.m.: One Body. Scripture reading: Ephesians 4:1-10. Sermon text: Ephesians 4:11-16.
p.m.: Youth Minister Rev. Chip Freeman will minister to the congregation.
12 August a.m.: How Does This Work? Scripture reading: Ephesians 4:17-24. Sermon text: Ephesians 4:25-32.
19 August a.m.: Beloved Children. Scripture reading: Ephesians 5:1-14. Sermon text: Ephesians 5:15-21.
p.m.: Living Bread. Sermon text: John 6:51-58.
26 August a.m.: The Power of Love. Scripture reading: Ephesians 5:22-33. Sermon text: Ephesians 6:1-9.
p.m.: Choose the LORD. Sermon text: Joshua 24:1-18.
2 September, Casual Sunday: Armed and Armored. Scripture reading: Ephesians 6:10-13. Sermon text: Ephesians 6:14-24.
9 September: A Living Faith. Scripture reading: Psalm 146. Sermon text: James 2:1-17.
16 September: The Wisdom of Words. Scripture reading: James 3:1-12. Sermon text: Proverbs 1:20-33.
p.m.: Walk in His Presence. Sermon text: Psalm 116:1-8.
23 September: Sow Peace. Scripture reading: Psalm 1. Sermon text: James 3:13-4:7.
p.m.: Our Rescuer. Sermon text: Psalm 54.
30 September: Powerful Prayer. Scripture reading: Psalm 19:7-14. Sermon text: James 5:7-20.
7 October a.m.: Blessed Be the Name of the LORD. Scripture reading: Job 1:1-12. Sermon text: Job 1:13-2:10.
p.m.: Rev. Chip Freeman will minister to the congregation.
14 October am.: Bring Forth the Gold. Scripture reading: Psalm 22:1-15. Sermon text: Job 23:1-17.
p.m.: New Hope will conduct our monthly business meeting..
21 October a.m.: A Majestic Answer. Scripture reading: Job 38:1-7. Sermon text: Job 38:34-41.
p.m.: An Eternal Priest. Sermon text: Hebrews 5:1-10.
28 October a.m.: Now I Know. Scripture Reading: Job 42:1-6. Sermon text: Job 42:7-17.
p.m.: The Rev. Sam Day, Director of Missions, will meet with New Hope regarding our deacon ministry.
4 November a.m.: Youth Sunday.
p.m.: New Hope’s children will present “Down by the Creek Bank by the Old Hollow Log.”
11 November (All Saints readings): For All the Saints. Scripture reading: Isaiah 25:6-9. Sermon text: Revelation 21:1-6.
18 November a.m.: No Rock like Our God. Scripture reading: 1 Samuel 1:1-20. Sermon text: 1 Samuel 2:1-10.
p.m.: New Hope will host Pleasant Grove Methodist Church and Romulus Methodist Church for our annual Thanksgiving service. Lynn Gibson of Romulus Methodist Church will minister to the congregation.
25 November, Sunday of Christ the King: The Rev. James Ryan Hyche will minister to the congregation.
First Sunday of Advent, 2 December: The Rev. Chip Freeman ministered to the congregation in my absence.
9 December a.m.: A Mighty Savior. Scripture reading: Malachi 3:1-4. Sermon text: Luke 3:1-6.
p.m.: The Sipsey Valley School Choir will join New Hope for their Christmas concert.
16 December a.m.: Rejoice in Our Redemption. Scripture reading: Isaiah 12:1-6. Sermon text: Zephaniah 3:14-20.
p.m.: New Hope Choir will present “There’s Something about that Name,” our Christmas musical.
23 December a.m. (Christmas readings): The Given Child. Scripture reading: Isaiah 9:2-7. Sermon text: Luke 2:1-20. We will celebrate Holy Communion in this service.
p.m.: New Hope will celebrate our annual Festival of Lessons and Carols.
30 December a.m.: His Word, Our Flesh. Scripture reading: Psalm 147:13-21. Sermon text: John 1:1-18.
p.m.: Free! Sermon text: Galatians 3:23-4:7.