Sermons on the Revelation:

Pentecost 2007

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Warning: I had never preached through the Revelation before until Pentecost season in 2007. After over a decade of pastoring, I sensed God leading me to the last book in the Bible and the last book I ever wanted to touch. Nonetheless, when God calls, I must obey.

These sermons were delivered at New Hope Baptist Church in Romulus, Alabama during Pentecost 2007 and the First Sunday of Advent 2007. I've placed these sermons here for my non-resident members (or anyone else interested in some sermons). Unless otherwise noted, all scriptures are from the English Standard Version, copyright 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. These sermons are not for profit; I'm not selling them, and you can't either. If they help you, please let me know. Feel free to share them if you think they're worth it. You should know that I rarely preach exactly from manuscript; things come to me as I go. (Most ministers will empathize.)

I tried to emphasize to my congregation that these are not your typical sermons on Revelation. I realize some of what you find here does not agree with the predominant views held by the Southern Baptist Convention on this book. You'll probably disagree with me at times; that's fine with me. If you can prove me wrong, please email me with Scriptural and historical facts.

One last caveat. I passionately believe that God speaks to His people here and now through Scripture. Revelation is not a crystal ball; it is a book of Scripture with exhortations, warnings, and celebrations that apply to our current lives. In this light, you'll find that each sermon contains applications to the lives we live today and every day.

May God use this book to speak to you as He continues to use it to speak to me.

Introduction: Revealing the Father's Love. Scripture reading: Revelation 1:1-8. Sermon text: Revelation 22:1-9.

Chapter 1: Here He Comes! Scripture reading: Revelation 1:1-8. Sermon text: Revelation 1:9-20.

Chapter 2: Faithful unto Death. Scripture reading: Revelation 2:1-7. Sermon text: Revelation 2:8-11.

Chapter 2: Hold Fast. Scripture reading: Revelation 2:12-17. Sermon text: Revelation 2:18-29

Chapter 3: Cold or Hot? Scripture reading: Revelation 3:1-6. Sermon text: Revelation 3:7-22.

Chapter 4: Oh, What Worship! Scripture reading: Psalm 150. Sermon text: Revelation 4.

Chapter 5: Worship the Lamb! Scripture reading: Revelation 5:1-5. Sermon text: Revelation 5:6-14.

Chapter 6: The Day Has Come. Scripture reading: Revelation 6:1-8. Sermon text: Revelation 6:9-17.

Chapter 7: Sealed and Saved. Scripture reading: Revelation 7:1-8. Sermon text: Revelation 7:9-17.

Chapter 8: Justice Comes to Earth. Scripture reading: Revelation 8:1-5. Sermon text: Revelation 8:6-13.

Chapter 9: Chaos Unleashed. Scripture reading: Revelation 9:1-12. Sermon text: Revelation 9:13-21.

Chapters 10 and 11: The Mystery Fulfilled. Scripture reading: Revelation 10. Sermon text: Revelation 11.

Chapter 12: War in Heaven! Scripture reading: Revelation 12:1-6. Sermon text: Revelation 12:7-17.

Chapter 13: The Worst Choice of the World. Scripture reading: Revelation 13:1-8. Sermon text: Revelation 13:9-18.

Chapter 14: Singing a New Song. Scripture reading: Revelation 14:1-7. Sermon text: Revelation 14:8-20.

Chapters 15 and 16: The Wrath Outpoured. Scripture reading: Revelation 15. Sermon text: Revelation 16.

Chapter 17: The Fall of the Faithless One. Scripture reading: Revelation 17:1-8. Sermon text: Revelation 17:9-18.

Chapter 18: The Fall of Babylon. Scripture reading: Revelation 18:1-10. Sermon text: Revelation 18:11-24.

Chapter 19: The Return of the King. Scripture reading: Revelation 19:1-10. Sermon text: Revelation 19:11-21.

Chapter 20: The Final Judgment. Scripture reading: Revelation 20:1-6. Sermon text: Revelation 20:7-15.

Chapter 21, delivered on the Sunday of Christ the King: The Glorious Wedding. Scripture reading: Revelation 21:1-8. Sermon text: Revelation 21:9-27.

Chapter 22, delivered on the First Sunday of Advent: "I Come Quickly." Scripture reading: Revelation 22:1-11. Sermon text: Revelation 22:12-21. This will conclude the series on the Revelation of St. John.